Spandana Eda International Foundation was launched with the motive of finding out various reasons by deeply researching the changes that occur from generation to generation .one among such is the most immatured approach in the youth causing the tender emotional states to trigger the thoughts of self-punishment.SEIF works on evaluating. promoting the procedures to subdue suicidal tendencies through proper counseling. the most pathetic unforgettable thing is the end of the life of a loved one. SEIF fonder Dr. Eda Samuel Reddy’s one and only daughter. Spandana Eda ended her life by committing suicide on 2nd January 2020 which brought severe mental agony to parents and among the family members.
Join our people voluntarily for raising our voices and to overcome the depression in youth. we will provide you with a certification of appreciation after regular 6months of your volunteering… “Every great cause begins as a movement. Join our team to accomplish this great intention.